District Committees
Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council
The Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council is composed of two parents from each of our schools. The purpose of the council is to provide two-way communications between the Superintendent and the schools and to review action taken by the Board. Visit the Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council webpage for additional information.
Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Proposition 39 stipulates that a Citizens’ Oversight Committee will oversee the expenditures of the funds from bond measures. If you are interested in becoming a member, please visit the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee webpage.
Health and Wellness Committee
The Natomas Health and Wellness Committee provides recommendations and guidance to the Administration on issues related to school wellness. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, please visit the Health and Wellness Committee webpage or call Nutrition Services at (916) 567-5472.
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) includes our parents or guardians of English learners from each of the schools throughout the district. The purpose of DELAC is to provide information, to learn about, provide feedback on, review and comment on English learner services, programs, and procedures, and to ensure that family and community voices are heard.
Local Control Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee (LCAP PAC)
Natomas Unified School District established the Local Control Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee (LCAP PAC). Members of this committee will be consulted to assist in developing the district’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). In addition, members will review progress towards meeting the goals outlined in the LCAP. The 20-member committee will be formed to emphasize members who represent the diversity of the school district, English learners, foster youth, homeless youth, migrant students, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and ideally, a representative from each of our schools.
Natomas Special Education Community Advisory Committee
The Natomas Special Education Community Advisory Committee is a parent/staff/community advisory committee designed to provide input for the growth and development of the Natomas Unified School District Special Education Department. Feedback provided by the committee is considered critical and is used as appropriate in the planning and development of our programs and services for students with disabilities. The CAC meets monthly and is an official committee that follows the Brown Act (agendas are posted, the Board is a voting board).