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Aaron Belman

Attendance Matters

Larry G. Meeks Academy Leads Example in Attendance

LGMA attendance award

Kudos to Larry G. Meeks Academy (LGMA) for obtaining the “Attendance Rate Champion” trophy for the 2023-24 and 2022-23 school years! Meeks scholars are leading by example and showing how important it is to show up to school every day and on-time. 

“LGMA is thrilled to have earned this esteemed award for two years in a row. Thanks to our students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrative team, our scholars are not only in their virtual classes, every day and on time, but they have cameras on, are engaged, and are truly showing that virtual learning can and is effective, engaging, and rigorous. We are honored to hold this title and look forward to another beautiful year of success.” Esther Perez, the school’s principal said. 

Other school sites that were recognized for excellence and/or improvement in attendance: 

  • H. Allen Hight 
  • American Lakes School
  • Discovery High School 
  • Two Rivers Elementary 
  • Natomas High School

Attendance Incentives to Promote Academic Excellence

Many of our school sites have kicked off attendance campaigns and offered students incentives to get them in school every day and on time. For example, Leroy Greene Academy (LGA) kicked off its 20-Day Attendance Campaign which lasts until September 4th. 

The campaign has proven to have a great impact. Last year, it helped to boost attendance by teaching students the benefits of attending and presenting them with cool incentives. Students who maintain perfect attendance through September 4th, will receive prizes from the school.

Superintendent’s Corner

Celebrating NUSD’s Teacher of the Year at Sacramento County Event

teacher of the year

A big congratulations again to Two Rivers Elementary Teacher Sabrina Prociw! Prociw (second from left) is pictured here during the Sacramento County Office of Education’s (SCOE) Teachers of the Year celebration last Friday. Prociw is the NUSD Teacher of the Year and competed in the County competition. Castillo posted this picture on her Instagram of Prociw with NUSD administrators. Pictured from left to right is Brandon Blom, Prociw, Colleen Perry, and Castillo. 

teacher and student


Castillo also shared this picture of Prociw and her student, Maverick. “Maverick did an awesome job introducing his teacher!,” Castillo captioned.










Superintendent Shares: Back to School Highlights


robyn selfie
robyn selfie 2

robyn selfie in DHS kitchen
robyn selfie 3

Superintendent Castillo snapped these images of Back to School Night events at Larry G. Meeks Academy, Bannon Creek School, Jefferson School, Inderkum High School, Discovery High School, Leroy Greene Academy and Natomas High School.

Career Technical Education (CTE)

Working it Out with CTE Public Safety Students

Workouts are integral in the public safety field, as Career Technical Education (CTE) Public Safety students demonstrated recently on its Instagram. These exercises help not only students, but public safety professionals respond to emergency situations and help people in need. NUSD offers a variety of CTE Pathways for students to learn about potential careers and gain skills in those industries. To learn more about these pathways, visit the CTE webpage here.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Bannon Creek School 

Bannon Creek School is our newest school to be authorized as an International Baccalaureate campus. When officially authorized to operate as an IB world school, there is an added focus on skill development and boosting confidence. The authorization affirms that the current work the school is doing is in line with the framework and the IB philosophy. Watch this video as Bannon Creek school leaders are celebrated and explain what’s in store for scholars now.

2024 Graduates Receive International Baccalaureate (IB) Diplomas & Certificates

Although the graduation season is in May, over the summer, IB Diplomas and Certificates are distributed to the recent graduates. Recently, Inderkum IB Graduates of 2024 received their IB Diplomas and Certificates. This is the school’s ninth cohort! Students have an option to pursue the Diploma or Certificate. We’re excited to share that  90-percent of diploma candidates succeeded in earning their diplomas. 

“We had our biggest group ever to sit for the IB English exams, and they maintained a 94-percent passing rate. IB History continues to be popular, and seniors earned the highest average score the school has seen for the course,” IB Coordinator Jessica Downing said. 

“After several years of requests, we were able to start IB Computer Science, and the first students to complete it did respectably well. Our alumni are now beginning their next steps. They were accepted everywhere from military service to community colleges, most of the CSUs, all of the UCs, many out-of-state campuses, and private universities such as Emory, Purdue and Stanford.” 
Natomas Unified offers the IB Primary Years and Middle Years at select school sites. Inderkum offers the Diploma Programme. For more information, please click here.

IHS IB certificate group

Parent University

Upcoming Parent University: Learn About Historically Black Colleges & Universities and NUSD College Fair and How to Pay for College

Register Today!

Families interested in learning more about Historically Black Colleges and Universities are invited to attend the September 5th virtual presentation presented by U-CAN (United College Action Network, Inc.) and NUSD’s Parent University. This is part of our College and Career theme offered to families. 

In addition to this presentation, we are also inviting families to the upcoming NUSD College Fair on September 18th. This year, it will be held at Inderkum High School. At 5:30 p.m., there will be a session on paying for college in person at Inderkum. To register, click here.


Parenting Sessions to Enhance Parent-Child Relationship Open for Registration

Parent University is also offering classes such as "Love and Logic" and a new series called "Put Your Device Away", to help enhance family time. Our first "Put Your Device Away" event will teach families how to make delicious homemade pizza. To register for any of these sessions, click here or visit the Parent University website.


School Spirit

Back to School Rallies and Spirit Week at NUSD High Schools

back to school rally
back to school rallies


Our high school students have welcomed the 2024-25 school year by “soaring”, “growling”, and with “pride”! Take a look at some of these pictures from back-to-school rallies and spirit weeks from Natomas High School Nighthawks, Inderkum High School Tigers, and Leroy Greene Academy Lions. 


back to school rallies



Inderkum Wins First Home Game of the 2024-25 Season

It was a hard-fought win in front of a packed house for the number four (ranked by the Sac Bee) Inderkum High School’s Varsity Football team as they beat number seven Monterey Trail last Friday, 27 to 21. The victory was especially sweet, as this was the season opener and the team’s first home game. Way to go, Tigers! Natomas High School will have its first home opener game set for Friday, August 30th.

ihs football


Building Student Leaders

‘Where Everyone Belongs’ Program at Natomas Middle School 

students at tables

Natomas Middle School launched its new W.E.B. Program (Where Everyone Belongs), which has been instrumental in adding new electives, such as leadership, and engaging students in building a positive school culture.  

Students have been decorating the walls for special events and leading school assemblies. Those students are also working on becoming leaders of restorative conversations to help their peers resolve conflicts and problems under the guidance of Dr. Michele Hamilton, a director in NUSD’s Office of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).

Become a California State Board of Education Student Board Member

board member flyer

High school juniors are encouraged to apply before September 20th to become a California State Board of Education Student Board Member for 2025–26! The selected student will play a crucial role in representing the perspectives and interests of students across California in important policy discussions and decisions, and you will function as a regular voting member of the State Board of Education. Here’s a link to the application.

In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

Board Highlights for August 28th Meeting

Click here to read about the actions that took place during the Wednesday, August 28th board meeting. 

NUSD Newsroom Hub

NUSD Newsroom Hub Logo

The NUSD Newsroom Hub web page is a dedicated place to access current and past NUSD media such as news articles, Board Highlights, newsletters, Last Week’s Wrap Up, videos, and podcasts all produced by the district’s Communications and Family Engagement team known as CAFE. Check out our page here.

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