For Natomas Unified School District Employees
Employee Self Service (ESS) is a secure, web-based portal, available through the Sacramento County Office of Education – Information Services Department. With ESS, you can review your specific personal work related information, such as pay history, leave balances and W2 information.
Evangelina Sokolovska, Payroll & Benefits Technician, Classified Employees and Substitute A-Laz (916) 567-5487
Shelly Ram, Payroll & Benefits Technician, Classified Employees and Substitutes Lb-Zz (916) 561-5204
Michelle Coronado, Payroll & Benefits Technician, Certificated Employees A-Lez (916) 567-5486
Niki Foutz, Payroll & Benefits Technician, Certificated Employees Lf-Zz (916) 567-5478
Vacant, Payroll Technician (916) 567-5483
Fax # – 916-404-4995
If you are unsure who to contact, please email Payroll/Benefits.