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For Parents

Program Benefits - Read the findings of the National Education Association to discover:

  • How Ethnic Studies Supports Holistic Student Development
  • Long-term advantages for College and Career Readiness

Supporting Your Child - Below, you will find resources for:

  • Tips for encouraging and supporting your child’s learning
  • Engaging in conversations about race, culture, and identity

Links below for :

  1. PBS Parents - Offers practical advice and resources on supporting children's learning at home:
  2. Edutopia - Provides articles and tips on how parents can support their child's education:
  3. Scholastic Parents - Offers activities, book recommendations, and tips for parents to support learning:
  4. U.S. Department of Education - Provides guides and resources for parents to help with their child's education.
Engaging in Conversations about Race, Culture, and Identity
  1. Teaching Tolerance (Learning for Justice) - Provides resources for educators and parents on talking about race and diversity:
    - Learning for Justice: Parent Resources
  2. The National Museum of African American History and Culture offers tools for talking about race.
  3. EmbraceRace offers webinars, articles, and action guides to help parents discuss race with their children.
  4. Common Sense Media provides media recommendations and tips for parents on discussing race and diversity.
  5. The Child Mind Institute offers advice on how to talk to children about race and current events.
Additional Resources
  1. The Conscious Kid provides books and resources for parents to educate children about race and identity:
    - The Conscious Kid
  2. Books and Literature that address race and culture can be found online at:
    We Need Diverse Books
    Social Justice Books
  3. The American Psychological Association (APA) offers guidelines and resources for discussing difficult topics like race with children.
For Educators

Professional Development

  • Training and resources for teaching Ethnic Studies
  • Workshops, webinars, and certification programs

Curriculum Guides

  • Comprehensive guides for implementing Ethnic Studies in the classroom
  • Sample Lesson Plans and teaching materials

Collaborative Opportunities

  • Networks and forums for sharing best practices and resources
  • Partnerships with other educators and community organizations