Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month
Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month
California has designated the month of November to be Sikh Awareness and Appreciation month. On September 26, 2019, the California State Legislature filed the Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 133 with the Secretary of State. This resolution recognized the month of November as California’s official Sikh American Awareness and Appreciation Month, stating that “This measure would recognize and acknowledge the significant contributions made by Californians of Sikh heritage to our state and seeks to afford all Californians the opportunity to better understand, recognize, and appreciate the rich history and shared principles of Sikh Americans.”
Feast and Learn: Samosas
Learn how to make samosas, as we celebrate California Sikh Awareness Appreciation Month. NUSD parent Amandeep Kaur, her daughter and son, show us how to put together this vegetarian dish while sharing their personal stories of what it means to be Sikh American in this video.