Facilities and Strategic Planning
The Facilities and Strategic Planning Department is the District’s internal/external liaison with the public/private sector in all matters relating to planning, design and construction project management for all new construction, modernization and capital improvement projects in the District. This department is responsible for:
- Needs analysis, criteria development, planning, negotiation of contract and project oversight for the construction, modernization and replacement of all District facilities
- Needs analysis, planning, negotiation of contract and installation oversight for all the District’s relocatable classrooms
- Needs analysis, site identification, negotiation of contract and oversight during the process to purchase land and/or dispose of property owned by the District
- Implementation and collection of development impact fees and administration of the community use of school facilities
Department Contacts
Construction and General Department Inquiries: (916) 567-5466.
NUSD Facilities email: facilities@natomasunified.org
Lalanya Rothenberger, Executive Director
Nhou Her, Administrative Assistant
La Sandra Hart, Planning Technician
Site Modification Request Form
For NUSD site and department use only. Only Administrators or their Secretaries/Administrative staff can access the form.