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CBOC Measure L

What is Measure L?

Measure L is a $172 million school facilities bond passed on the November 2018 ballot to serve all Natomas schools – charter and non-charter.

Safeguards and Funding

  • Measure L is paid for by local property owners at an annual cost not to exceed 6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation
  • Proceeds are not used for administrative salaries or positions
  • Spending is monitored by a citizens oversight committee and audited annually

Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

The purpose of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall be to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues. The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee actively reviews and reports on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction. The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is conducted in accordance with Section 15282 of the Education Code.

Thank you, Natomas Voters!  Measure L is a $172 million school facilities bond approved by voters on the November 2018 ballot that serves all Natomas schools – charter and non-charter.   The Natomas Unified Board of Trustees approved a Facilities Master Plan that identifies school facility needs over the next 15 years.

NUSD Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Board Policy
Measure L Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Members Oversight Committee Bylaws

Now Accepting Applications

The District is seeking community members to fill 1 vacancy on the Measure L Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee.

1 member (vacancy) to serve representing a Bona Fide Taxpayer’s Organization

Submit application online by visiting the Measure L Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Application.

CBOC Meeting Schedule

Public committee meetings are held four times a year and community members are encouraged to attend. Members of  the committee actively review and report on the voter approved bond funds, and advise the public that bond funds are being spend on projects in accordance with the approved bond language.

Meetings are held from 6:30 p.m. to  7:00 p.m.  Refer to the meeting schedule below for locations.

The meeting agenda is posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting here on the website.

2024-2025 Meeting Schedules (Click on meeting date to access supporting documents when available)

Monday, August 19, 2024 – Natomas Unified District Office & Zoom
Monday, October 21, 2024 – Canceled
Monday, January 27, 2025– B. Teri Burns/HALO Clinic (in the classroom) and Zoom
Monday, April 28, 2025 - TBD

Did you Know?

Measure L will support the following actions in the Facilities Master Plan:

  • Expand academic choice and parent options by improving facilities at neighborhood schools and providing more K-8 options with specific academic focus
  • Build new schools and classroom buildings to meet growth needs
  • Enhance science, technology, engineering, arts, math, college prep, career technical and other education by adding classrooms, labs, and other facilities
  • Support college and career readiness by enhancing Career Technical Education facilities and pathways
  • Upgrade technology systems for student access and operations

Other potential impacts include:

  • Upgrade safety and security systems
  • Improve accessibility for students with disabilities
  • Improve school grounds and physical environment, including playgrounds and athletic fields
  • Develop joint-use aquatics facility in partnership with the city of Sacramento