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Facilities Master Plan

2024 Facilities Master Plan

The Board approved the District’s Facilities Master Plan that will set the direction for facility needs for the next 10 years. Staff sought input from families, staff, and students to help determine what was important to the Natomas community. The plan is not a funding source nor does funding automatically come with it. It’s a plan of how school district facility funds, when available, may be used to support educational objectives. The plan is available for public review here on our website.

2017 Facilities Master Plan


The 2017 Facilities Master Plan update was approved by the Board of Trustees at the December 13, 2017 Board Meeting. The update highlights projects that have been completed since the 2014 Facilities Master Plan was approved, as well as identifying site needs and future projects. The long-range plan continues the Board approved vision that “All NUSD students graduated as college and career ready, productive, responsible and engaged global citizens.” The updated plan strives to create safe and welcoming learning environments where students attend and are connected to their schools. NUSD encourages the community to review the 291 page document. Exercise caution if printing, the document is large and in color.

2014 Facilities Master Plan