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Voluntary Transfer and Reassignment

“No later than March 15, all bargaining unit members seeking a transfer/reassignment shall submit (to the District Human Resources Department) the Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment Preference Form…” Transfers/Reassignments will begin after March 15, 2025. The form does not need to be completed if you are not seeking a transfer/reassignment.

Step-By-Step Instructions

If you require assistance, please contact Human Resources at (916) 567-5426 or email us at

If you requested a transfer and/or reassignment, “The Superintendent or administrative designee, with site principals, will make all decisions on voluntary transfers/reassignments from the information provided on the Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment Preference Form, based on the criteria B.1. Interviews will be arranged as necessary.” Interviews will be scheduled between March 17 and April 15. You will be contacted by email with an interview time if needed. After April 15, per Education Code 35036, external candidates will be considered.

If your Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment request is granted, you will be notified by Human Resources. In alignment with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XI – Transfer and Reassignment, “Meetings will be arranged so that unit members can meet the new site administrators.”

As interviews are completed and transfers granted, new vacancies will occur. Please check the Known Vacancies webpage regularly. Human Resources will continue to use your Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment Preference Form to determine your interest in these new vacancies.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact Human Resources at (916) 567-5426 or email us at