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Bullying Prevention and Resources

Natomas Unified School District (NUSD) strives to create safe and welcome learning environments where students attend and are connected to their schools. NUSD implements measures to prevent bullying in schools including ensuring each school establishes clear rules for student conduct and implements strategies to promote a positive, collaborative school climate. The Bullying Prevention Steering Committee created the to provide both students and parents/guardians with age-appropriate information about State, District, and school rules related to bullying. Likewise, there are additional resources concerning bullying, suicide, and harassment under the menu on the right. Visit these resources to learn more. 

NUSD also provides training modules on the dynamics of bullying and cyberbullying, which include the identification of bullying and cyberbullying and the implementation of strategies to address bullying. Training modules are available annually to all certificated staff and to other employees who have regular interaction with students. School staff who witness an act of bullying against a student has a responsibility to immediately interfere to stop the incident when it is safe to do so (Education Code 234.1).

Any student, parent/guardian, or other individual who believes that a student has been subjected to bullying or who has witnessed bullying should report the incident to your school site administration, a teacher, a counselor, a compliance officer, or any other available school employee. You may also file a report or complaint online, by visiting the Report Bullying Incident Form available in English and Spanish on the NUSD website. Students may report threats or incidents confidentially and anonymously. 

Thank you for being a part of the Natomas Unified School District and for making our school community smarter, better, and stronger: A place where every student can learn and succeed.

October Events: Bullying Prevention Awareness Month & Red Ribbon Week
October 2024 is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month and Red Ribbon Week is October 23-31. The National Red Ribbon Week theme is, "Life is A Movie, Film Drug Free."™ During October, students will receive trinkets during Red Ribbon Week to reinforce a drug- and bully-free campus.

Anti-Bullying Meme Contest 2024
The Ant-Bullying Meme Contest will run from September 23-October 4th to support Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. Currently enrolled Natomas Unified students are invited to send their original memes that help spread the message of kindness, friendship, and inclusivity.

Please submit only one meme per student. One winner from each of these categories will be selected, for a total of three winners:

- TK to 5th grade
- 6th to 8th grade
- 9th to 12th grade

Students who submit winning entries will be treated to lunch. Contest ends October 4th, 4 pm. 


Winners will be announced on October 8th and entries will be featured on NUSD's website, social media, and ParentSquare throughout October 23rd-31st, which is Red Ribbon Week.

Resource Links