On Track to College Letter for NUSD High School Students
The example letter below is a new “On Track to College” letter which will be sent home to high school students in Natomas Unified School District. Each year a similar letter will be mailed home to students, at the beginning of each semester. This new tool is part of a system of resources aimed at increasing access and awareness for students and families about what they need to do to stay in school on track to graduate and be prepared for college. To learn more about other resources, visit our College and Career Readiness website here.
The letter contains important information about each student’s own achievements in high school and a description of what they need to do to graduate and remain competitive for college admission. This personalized report also includes a map of colleges and universities throughout California that they could be accepted to based on their current GPA and college exam scores.
Beginning in September 2018, the “On Track to College Letter” will be sent home to families, once in the first semester to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, and then in the second semester to 9th, 10th, and 11th graders.
This is one more tool to assist students and their families in making plans for the future because it creates opportunities to have important conversations early. Students and parent/guardians will be able to talk with high school counselors, College and Career Specialists, teachers and other staff to stay on track or to identify early how to get back on track for graduation and college going.
Pages 1 and 2
Page 1:
- Superintendent Castillo’s introduction letter provides an overview and explains the reason NUSD is investing resources like this to help all students to have access to college
- Students will see the names of their personal counselor and other counselors and support staff at their high school.
- A Glossary explains the important terms and calculations used throughout the letter
Page 2:
- First notice across the top of the page are the student’s own test scores and GPA which are used to calculate a “Projected CSU Index.”
- Maps of California and a expanded view of Northern California display a number of colleges and universities which a student should consider as possibilities to attend after high school. The student’s “Projected CSU Index” is used to identify how likely a student would be to be accepted to each school based on their current scores.
- Descriptions of different types of colleges are provided.
Pages 3 and 4
Page 3:
- Shoe prints are used to represent the steps to successful completion of each graduation requirement.
- If a student is off-track in any area the shoe is displayed in red, signifying that the student should speak to a counselor to make a plan to get back on track.
Page 4:
- Shoe prints are used to represent the steps to successful completion of the UC/CSU a-g requirements which are the minimum requirements needed to be accepted to a UC or CSU university in California.
- If a student is off-track in any area the shoe is displayed in red, signifying that the student should speak to a counselor to make a plan to get back on track.
Pages 5 and 6
Page 5:
- Because the highest number of NUSD graduates attend four-year college at CSU Sacramento (CSUS), this page displays information about how “on track” the student is to be admitted to CSUS throughout each term of high school.
Page 6:
- The final page of the Letter provides a student recommendations on what (s)he should start doing or continue doing to be competitive for college admission.
- Recommendation carts are uniquely tailored to each student based on their previous test scores, GPA, and course completion.
- At the bottom of the page students can see a suggested timeline for college access, beginning in Middle School
CSU Index (with PSAT/ SAT) = (UC/CSU GPA) X 800 + SAT/PSAT score. The eligibility index is based on our best effort to calculate an index score using your grade level, GPA, and test scores. Your EI will change from year to year.
CSU Index (with ACT) = (UC/CSU GPA) X 200 + 10 X ACT (*This formula is used to calculate your CSU Index score only if your highest test score is an ACT score.)
CSU Index (with CAASPP_PSAT) = (UC/CSU GPA) X 800 + CAASPP_PSAT score. This eligibility index is based on our best effort to calculate an exam score using the students average CAASPP scale scores from 8th grade to predict a PSAT score. (*This formula is used to calculate your CSU Index score only if your highest test score is a CAASPP score.)
Advanced Courses = Advanced Courses include AP, IB, honors, and college-level courses.
UC/CSU GPA = For 10th and 11th grade, the formula for this value is explained on the University of California Admissions website.
Eligibility Index = The Eligibility Index is used to estimate your competitiveness for admission to colleges. The CSU Index is used as your Eligibility Index in your report and combines your UC/CSU GPA and SAT scores for admission to CSU. The index ranges from 0 to 5000+. The minimum score for 7 CSUs is 2950 and 3600 for Sac State.
If you have questions about the information in the letter and how your student is doing, start by contacting your counselor or Principal.
Each high school also has College and Career Specialists to assist students with college going.
If you still need assistance, you can contact Constituent and Customer Services at (916) 561-5253 or by email at customerservice@natomasunified.org.