Elementary School
- Information and infographics on college-going
- College Day Gear to promote college-going culture
- Parent University classes and videos
- International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics – activities, clubs, lab lessons, and school gardens
- Enhanced use of technology and video
Middle School
- Information and infographics on college-going
- College Day Gear to promote college-going culture
- Parent University classes and videos
- International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics – activities, clubs, and lab lessons
- Enhanced use of technology and videos
- Partnership with Improve Your Tomorrow for college and career mentoring
High School
- College tours
- Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) free of charge during the school day for 10th graders
- SAT free of charge during the school day for 11th graders
- On Track to College Letters
- Parent University classes and videos
- College Day Gear to promote college-going culture
- Rigorous programs like AP Capstone at Natomas High School and IB Diploma Programme (MYP) at Inderkum High School
- College and Career Specialists at Inderkum High School and Natomas High School
- Career Technical Education opportunities: Broadcast Media, Digital Media, Engineering, Health, Hospitality, Public Safety, Transportation, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Visual Arts and Technology
- Natomas Schools Foundation Scholarships
- Opportunities to earn college credit during high school (AP, IB, and California Early College Academy (CECA)
- Partnerships with UCAN with a focus on Historically Black Colleges
- Partnership with Improve Your Tomorrow for college and career mentoring
- Partnerships with American River College and Los Rios Community College District with Upward Bound and EAOP